This Blog is a place to post pictures, videos and stories of the kids.

Monday, September 15, 2008

No Secrets

I got this email from Ezra's teacher today:

A funny story with Ezra today....
we were talking about families and family rules at home and he raised his hand and said...
"no one can open the door while mommy is in the shower except daddy" It made me laugh! Too cute!



Blogger emily anna said...

Nice. Don't you wish you knew what all the other kids said about there parents?
Makes me scared to hear what Claire would say! :)

8:36 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

That is so funny. Oh, to be a fly on the wall of those classrooms.

My mom used to teach pre-K and she always had funny/embarrasing things that the kids told on their parents. One of her favorites was a lunch time conversation between several of the kiddos about what their parents wore (or didn't wear) to sleep in!

12:25 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

So funny! That's a great one to remember. I'm already trying to prepare myself for Gracie Claire...I know she'll be a blabber mouth. :o)

8:11 AM

Blogger Aimee said...

That is Awesome! I love that kid!

8:37 PM

Blogger Nicole Whaley said...

That is so funny....made me lol...

2:06 PM


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